(Belated Post From SCAA Coffee Fest 9/08)

Talk about a whirlwind of  a night.  Some of us were sittin around thinking hey wouldn’ t it be cool if we did like a tournament style Latte Art Smackdown?

Smack Crowd

Like one on one then the best pour moves on to the next round?  Yeah sounded awesome…until about 32 people signed up 🙂 and we realized we were lookin at good 16 rounds.  Luckily the lovely Cai stepped up and pulled shots which cut our time down significantly and actually it was awesome even with the hefty amount of time it took.  We had some lovely rosettas, but the designs that took the night tended towards the tulip shapes with multiple layers.  We started with 12 oz sized cups then worked our way down all the way to 5.5 oz which made things a bit more interesting 🙂

The judges that night were Kelleen, one of our lovely in store Latte Art Champs, and the illustrious Chris Deferio,  perennial latte art champion.   Prizes were provided by Espresso

Parts Northwest and Barista Exchange.



We also had live music from Jack Wilson and some seriously awesome finger foods made by our in-house chef extraordinaire  Tonya.  The crowned champion of the night was Chris Giannakos from Cafe Crema in Vancouver, BC. Visit his sight at: http://cleanhotdry.com/news/coffee-fest-latte-art-smackdown/
